Careers in Political Science

Government majors have gone on to do a myriad of things with their degrees, from teaching to work in non-profit organizations. The possibilities for employment are numerous and varied. As a good first place to start a job search or internship search, we recommend that all our majors visit the Career Resource Center ( and make use of its staff and large collection of helpful materials. Students can also connect with alumni through both WESCAN (on their portfolios) and WESCONNECT (go to the Alumni link on the Wesleyan homepage These alumni databases provide useful means for job and internship searches. WESCAN can be searched by profession and major. In addition, the following links have information regarding employment information and advice for our government majors.

Wesleyan Career Center

The American Political Science Association

Popular Jobs for Political Science Majors: Median US Salaries, 2008

Ranking of Graduate Programs in Political Science

The NRC Rankings of Political Science Departments (John Sides, The Monkey Cage blog, Sep. 28, 2010)

National Research Council 2007 Rankings as Summarized in the Chronicle of Higher Education

Ranking Departments: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches (PS, July 2007)

Ranking Doctoral Programs By Placement: A New Method (PS, July 2007)

US News and World Report rankings of US Doctoral Programs in Political Science, 2013

The Job Market and Placement in Political Science in 2009-2010 (PS, July 2011)

International Fellowships

Interested in Law School?

Interested in Work in the Health Professions?

Other Useful Career Websites

University of North Carolina at Wilmington

The Princeton Review

Ohio University